[Exodus-dev] Need your help
Chen, Hao
2005-08-15 13:14:46 UTC
Hi there,

I'm now implementing SASL for JiveMessenger and testing my new codes
with Exodus. The debug window of Exodus shows that Exodus crashes when
it receives the first SASL chanllenge and then generates a big error
log file, would anybody on this list like to help me sort it out? I've
tried to read the error log myself, but I still don't know whether
this is a Exodus problem or my codes for JM wrong. Below is the error

Windows-XP 5.01.2600Service Pack 2
Exodus ver:
Date, Time: 12/08/2005 21:26:54
Exception: Uneven size in DecodeToStream.
Signal Class: TPacketSignal
Event: /packet
Listener Classname: TSASLAuth
Listener Methodname: C1Callback
XML Packet: <challenge
Dispatcher Dump
SIGNAL: /log of class: TPacketSignal
SIGNAL: /filter of class: TPacketSignal
SIGNAL: /pre of class: TPacketSignal
LID: 18, /pre/message/x[@xmlns="jabber:x:data"], TFactoryResponder, respCallback
LID: 20, /pre/message/x[@xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"]/invite,
TFactoryResponder, respCallback
LID: 21, /pre/message/x[@xmlns="jabber:x:conference"],
TFactoryResponder, respCallback
SIGNAL: /packet of class: TPacketSignal
LID: 0, /packet/presence, TJabberPPDB, Callback
LID: 1, /packet/iq/query[@xmlns="jabber:iq:roster"], TJabberRoster,
LID: 10, /packet/presence[@type="subscribe"], TSubController,
LID: 11, /packet/presence[@type="subscribed"], TSubController,
LID: 12, /packet/presence[@type="unsubscribe"], TSubController,
LID: 13, /packet/presence[@type="unsubscribed"], TSubController,
LID: 15, /packet/iq[@type="get"]/query[@xmlns="jabber:iq:version"],
TVersionResponder, iqCallback
LID: 16, /packet/iq[@type="get"]/query[@xmlns="jabber:iq:time"],
TTimeResponder, iqCallback
LID: 17, /packet/iq[@type="get"]/query[@xmlns="jabber:iq:last"],
TLastResponder, iqCallback
LID: 19, /packet/iq[@type="set"]/query[@xmlns="jabber:iq:oob"],
TFactoryResponder, respCallback
LID: 23, /packet/iq[@type="set"]/si[@xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/si"],
TFactoryResponder, respCallback
LID: 24, /packet/iq[@type="get"]/query[@xmlns="jabber:iq:avatar"],
TAvatarResponder, iqCallback
LID: 25, /packet/iq[@type="get"]/query[@xmlns="jabber:iq:browse"],
TBrowseResponder, iqCallback
LID: 26, /packet/iq[@type="get"]/query[@xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items"],
TDiscoItemsResponder, iqCallback
LID: 27, /packet/iq[@type="get"]/query[@xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info"],
TDiscoInfoResponder, iqCallback
LID: 28, /packet/presence/x[@xmlns="vcard-temp:x:update"], TAvatarCache,
LID: 29, /packet/presence/x[@xmlns="jabber:x:avatar"], TAvatarCache,
LID: 40, /packet/failure, TSASLAuth, FailCallback
LID: 41, /packet/success, TSASLAuth, SuccessCallback
LID: 42, /packet/challenge, TSASLAuth, C1Callback
SIGNAL: /post of class: TPacketSignal
LID: 3, /post/message[@type="headline"], TJabberMsgList,
LID: 4, /post/message[@type="normal"], TJabberMsgList,
LID: 5, /post/message[!type], TJabberMsgList,
LID: 6, /post/message[@type!="error"], TJabberChatList,
SIGNAL: /unhandled of class: TBasicSignal
LID: 22, /unhandled, TUnhandledResponder, callback
SIGNAL: /session of class: TBasicSignal
LID: 7, /session/register, TRegController, callback
LID: 8, /session, TGUIFactory, SessionCallback
LID: 14, /session, TSubController, SessionCallback
LID: 30, /session, TAvatarCache,
LID: 31, /session, TfrmExodus, SessionCallback
LID: 34, /session, TfrmRosterWindow, SessionCallback
LID: 36, /session, TfrmDebug,
SIGNAL: /roster of class: TRosterSignal
LID: 32, , TfrmRosterWindow, RosterCallback
SIGNAL: /presence of class: TPresenceSignal
LID: 2, , TJabberRoster,
LID: 9, , TNotifyController, PresCallback
LID: 33, , TfrmRosterWindow, PresCallback
SIGNAL: /data of class: TStringSignal
LID: 35, , TfrmDebug,
SIGNAL: /windows of class: TPacketSignal
Stack Trace:
[0044F405]{Exodus.exe }
[0044F02B]{Exodus.exe }
[0044EFAF]{Exodus.exe }
[004CDE6C]{Exodus.exe }
[0045B154]{Exodus.exe }
[0045A6FE]{Exodus.exe }
[0045B1CB]{Exodus.exe }
[0045A6FE]{Exodus.exe }
[0045B1CB]{Exodus.exe }
[4000308D]{rtl70.bpl } ***@ReallocMem
[40006F4E]{rtl70.bpl } ***@LStrSetLength
[0045A6FE]{Exodus.exe }
[004820F7]{Exodus.exe }
[0047997B]{Exodus.exe }
[0047F180]{Exodus.exe }
[004790B7]{Exodus.exe }
[4003B029]{rtl70.bpl } Classes.CheckSynchronize
[0079478A]{vcl70.bpl } Forms.TApplication.WndProc
[4003D0BC]{rtl70.bpl } Classes.TDataModule.WriteHeight
[40045B7A]{rtl70.bpl } Contnrs.TComponentList.GetItems
[00794DAB]{vcl70.bpl } Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage
[00794DE2]{vcl70.bpl } Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage
[00795002]{vcl70.bpl } Forms.TApplication.Run
[00552594]{Exodus.exe }
Chen, Hao
Joe Hildebrand
2005-08-15 19:37:11 UTC
I'm guessing it's the extra whitespace before </challenge> that is
the problem. Crashing is wrong, of course, so I'll take a look at it.
Post by Chen, Hao
Hi there,
I'm now implementing SASL for JiveMessenger and testing my new codes
with Exodus. The debug window of Exodus shows that Exodus crashes when
it receives the first SASL chanllenge and then generates a big error
log file, would anybody on this list like to help me sort it out? I've
tried to read the error log myself, but I still don't know whether
this is a Exodus problem or my codes for JM wrong. Below is the error
Windows-XP 5.01.2600Service Pack 2
Exodus ver:
Date, Time: 12/08/2005 21:26:54
Exception: Uneven size in DecodeToStream.
Signal Class: TPacketSignal
Event: /packet
Listener Classname: TSASLAuth
Listener Methodname: C1Callback
XML Packet: <challenge
Dispatcher Dump
SIGNAL: /log of class: TPacketSignal
SIGNAL: /filter of class: TPacketSignal
SIGNAL: /pre of class: TPacketSignal
TFactoryResponder, respCallback
TFactoryResponder, respCallback
SIGNAL: /packet of class: TPacketSignal
LID: 0, /packet/presence, TJabberPPDB, Callback
TVersionResponder, iqCallback
TTimeResponder, iqCallback
TLastResponder, iqCallback
TFactoryResponder, respCallback
TFactoryResponder, respCallback
TAvatarResponder, iqCallback
TBrowseResponder, iqCallback
TDiscoItemsResponder, iqCallback
TDiscoInfoResponder, iqCallback
LID: 40, /packet/failure, TSASLAuth, FailCallback
LID: 41, /packet/success, TSASLAuth, SuccessCallback
LID: 42, /packet/challenge, TSASLAuth, C1Callback
SIGNAL: /post of class: TPacketSignal
LID: 5, /post/message[!type], TJabberMsgList,
SIGNAL: /unhandled of class: TBasicSignal
LID: 22, /unhandled, TUnhandledResponder, callback
SIGNAL: /session of class: TBasicSignal
LID: 7, /session/register, TRegController, callback
LID: 8, /session, TGUIFactory, SessionCallback
LID: 14, /session, TSubController, SessionCallback
LID: 30, /session, TAvatarCache,
LID: 31, /session, TfrmExodus, SessionCallback
LID: 34, /session, TfrmRosterWindow, SessionCallback
LID: 36, /session, TfrmDebug,
SIGNAL: /roster of class: TRosterSignal
LID: 32, , TfrmRosterWindow, RosterCallback
SIGNAL: /presence of class: TPresenceSignal
LID: 2, , TJabberRoster,
LID: 9, , TNotifyController, PresCallback
LID: 33, , TfrmRosterWindow, PresCallback
SIGNAL: /data of class: TStringSignal
LID: 35, , TfrmDebug,
SIGNAL: /windows of class: TPacketSignal
[0044F405]{Exodus.exe }
[0044F02B]{Exodus.exe }
[0044EFAF]{Exodus.exe }
[004CDE6C]{Exodus.exe }
[0045B154]{Exodus.exe }
[0045A6FE]{Exodus.exe }
[0045B1CB]{Exodus.exe }
[0045A6FE]{Exodus.exe }
[0045B1CB]{Exodus.exe }
[0045A6FE]{Exodus.exe }
[004820F7]{Exodus.exe }
[0047997B]{Exodus.exe }
[0047F180]{Exodus.exe }
[004790B7]{Exodus.exe }
[4003B029]{rtl70.bpl } Classes.CheckSynchronize
[0079478A]{vcl70.bpl } Forms.TApplication.WndProc
[4003D0BC]{rtl70.bpl } Classes.TDataModule.WriteHeight
[40045B7A]{rtl70.bpl } Contnrs.TComponentList.GetItems
[00794DAB]{vcl70.bpl } Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage
[00794DE2]{vcl70.bpl } Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage
[00795002]{vcl70.bpl } Forms.TApplication.Run
[00552594]{Exodus.exe }
Chen, Hao
Exodus-dev mailing list
Chen, Hao
2005-08-15 20:12:38 UTC
In the chanllenge, there is NO space between g and =. I suppose it is
my email client adds such a space automatically. Anyway, this time I
upload the error log as an attachment, please check it, thanks a lot

Post by Joe Hildebrand
I'm guessing it's the extra whitespace before </challenge> that is
the problem. Crashing is wrong, of course, so I'll take a look at it.
Chen, Hao
Chen, Hao
2005-08-15 20:13:37 UTC
In the chanllenge, there is NO space between g and =. I suppose it is
my email client adds such a space automatically. Anyway, this time I
upload the error log as an attachment, please check it, thanks a lot

Post by Joe Hildebrand
I'm guessing it's the extra whitespace before </challenge> that is
the problem. Crashing is wrong, of course, so I'll take a look at it.
Exodus-dev mailing list
Chen, Hao
-------------- next part --------------
Windows-XP 5.01.2600Service Pack 2
Exodus ver:
Date, Time: 12/08/2005 21:26:54
Exception: Uneven size in DecodeToStream.
Signal Class: TPacketSignal
Event: /packet
Listener Classname: TSASLAuth
Listener Methodname: C1Callback
XML Packet: <challenge xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">cmVhbG09Im51bnUiLG5vbmNlPSJGS2FtWW1seFZldEZsbWNuK1lSU3FTVjMrdG53UG04NlFNVkt1
Dispatcher Dump
SIGNAL: /log of class: TPacketSignal
SIGNAL: /filter of class: TPacketSignal
SIGNAL: /pre of class: TPacketSignal
LID: 18, /pre/message/x[@xmlns="jabber:x:data"], TFactoryResponder, respCallback
LID: 20, /pre/message/x[@xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"]/invite, TFactoryResponder, respCallback
LID: 21, /pre/message/x[@xmlns="jabber:x:conference"], TFactoryResponder, respCallback
SIGNAL: /packet of class: TPacketSignal
LID: 0, /packet/presence, TJabberPPDB, Callback
LID: 1, /packet/iq/query[@xmlns="jabber:iq:roster"], TJabberRoster,
LID: 10, /packet/presence[@type="subscribe"], TSubController,
LID: 11, /packet/presence[@type="subscribed"], TSubController,
LID: 12, /packet/presence[@type="unsubscribe"], TSubController,
LID: 13, /packet/presence[@type="unsubscribed"], TSubController,
LID: 15, /packet/iq[@type="get"]/query[@xmlns="jabber:iq:version"], TVersionResponder, iqCallback
LID: 16, /packet/iq[@type="get"]/query[@xmlns="jabber:iq:time"], TTimeResponder, iqCallback
LID: 17, /packet/iq[@type="get"]/query[@xmlns="jabber:iq:last"], TLastResponder, iqCallback
LID: 19, /packet/iq[@type="set"]/query[@xmlns="jabber:iq:oob"], TFactoryResponder, respCallback
LID: 23, /packet/iq[@type="set"]/si[@xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/si"], TFactoryResponder, respCallback
LID: 24, /packet/iq[@type="get"]/query[@xmlns="jabber:iq:avatar"], TAvatarResponder, iqCallback
LID: 25, /packet/iq[@type="get"]/query[@xmlns="jabber:iq:browse"], TBrowseResponder, iqCallback
LID: 26, /packet/iq[@type="get"]/query[@xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items"], TDiscoItemsResponder, iqCallback
LID: 27, /packet/iq[@type="get"]/query[@xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info"], TDiscoInfoResponder, iqCallback
LID: 28, /packet/presence/x[@xmlns="vcard-temp:x:update"], TAvatarCache,
LID: 29, /packet/presence/x[@xmlns="jabber:x:avatar"], TAvatarCache,
LID: 40, /packet/failure, TSASLAuth, FailCallback
LID: 41, /packet/success, TSASLAuth, SuccessCallback
LID: 42, /packet/challenge, TSASLAuth, C1Callback
SIGNAL: /post of class: TPacketSignal
LID: 3, /post/message[@type="headline"], TJabberMsgList,
LID: 4, /post/message[@type="normal"], TJabberMsgList,
LID: 5, /post/message[!type], TJabberMsgList,
LID: 6, /post/message[@type!="error"], TJabberChatList,
SIGNAL: /unhandled of class: TBasicSignal
LID: 22, /unhandled, TUnhandledResponder, callback
SIGNAL: /session of class: TBasicSignal
LID: 7, /session/register, TRegController, callback
LID: 8, /session, TGUIFactory, SessionCallback
LID: 14, /session, TSubController, SessionCallback
LID: 30, /session, TAvatarCache,
LID: 31, /session, TfrmExodus, SessionCallback
LID: 34, /session, TfrmRosterWindow, SessionCallback
LID: 36, /session, TfrmDebug,
SIGNAL: /roster of class: TRosterSignal
LID: 32, , TfrmRosterWindow, RosterCallback
SIGNAL: /presence of class: TPresenceSignal
LID: 2, , TJabberRoster,
LID: 9, , TNotifyController, PresCallback
LID: 33, , TfrmRosterWindow, PresCallback
SIGNAL: /data of class: TStringSignal
LID: 35, , TfrmDebug,
SIGNAL: /windows of class: TPacketSignal
Stack Trace:
[0044F405]{Exodus.exe }
[0044F02B]{Exodus.exe }
[0044EFAF]{Exodus.exe }
[004CDE6C]{Exodus.exe }
[0045B154]{Exodus.exe }
[0045A6FE]{Exodus.exe }
[0045B1CB]{Exodus.exe }
[0045A6FE]{Exodus.exe }
[0045B1CB]{Exodus.exe }
[4000308D]{rtl70.bpl } ***@ReallocMem
[40006F4E]{rtl70.bpl } ***@LStrSetLength
[0045A6FE]{Exodus.exe }
[004820F7]{Exodus.exe }
[0047997B]{Exodus.exe }
[0047F180]{Exodus.exe }
[004790B7]{Exodus.exe }
[4003B029]{rtl70.bpl } Classes.CheckSynchronize
[0079478A]{vcl70.bpl } Forms.TApplication.WndProc
[4003D0BC]{rtl70.bpl } Classes.TDataModule.WriteHeight
[40045B7A]{rtl70.bpl } Contnrs.TComponentList.GetItems
[00794DAB]{vcl70.bpl } Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage
[00794DE2]{vcl70.bpl } Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage
[00795002]{vcl70.bpl } Forms.TApplication.Run
[00552594]{Exodus.exe }
Tristan Stahnke
2005-08-15 20:20:03 UTC
Actually I think he's referring to the carriage return right before
</challenge>, that should be removed, AFAIK.
Post by Chen, Hao
In the chanllenge, there is NO space between g and =. I suppose it is
my email client adds such a space automatically. Anyway, this time I
upload the error log as an attachment, please check it, thanks a lot
Post by Joe Hildebrand
I'm guessing it's the extra whitespace before </challenge> that is
the problem. Crashing is wrong, of course, so I'll take a look at it.
Exodus-dev mailing list
Chen, Hao
Exodus-dev mailing list
Joe Hildebrand
2005-08-16 19:27:00 UTC
Exactly. I just checked in a quick fix to catch this exception, so
at least we won't core in the face of not-yet-complete server
implementations... :)
Post by Tristan Stahnke
Actually I think he's referring to the carriage return right before
</challenge>, that should be removed, AFAIK.
Post by Chen, Hao
In the chanllenge, there is NO space between g and =. I suppose it is
my email client adds such a space automatically. Anyway, this time I
upload the error log as an attachment, please check it, thanks a lot
Post by Joe Hildebrand
I'm guessing it's the extra whitespace before </challenge> that is
the problem. Crashing is wrong, of course, so I'll take a look at it.
Exodus-dev mailing list
Chen, Hao
Exodus-dev mailing list
Exodus-dev mailing list
Chen, Hao
2005-08-16 20:18:47 UTC
Well, I don't think there is any witespace right before </chanllenge>
:( Here is my code for generating that chanllenge. If I'm wrong,
please tell me.

byte[] challenge = mySaslServer.evaluateResponse(new byte[0]);
StringBuilder reply = new StringBuilder();
reply.append("<challenge xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl\">");

then, my codes will send out this reply. Messages in the debug window
of Exodus are:

RECV: <challenge

This is exactly what my codes send out. I really have no ideas about
what's going wrong here :(

Post by Joe Hildebrand
Exactly. I just checked in a quick fix to catch this exception, so
at least we won't core in the face of not-yet-complete server
implementations... :)
Post by Tristan Stahnke
Actually I think he's referring to the carriage return right before
</challenge>, that should be removed, AFAIK.
Post by Chen, Hao
In the chanllenge, there is NO space between g and =. I suppose it is
my email client adds such a space automatically. Anyway, this time I
upload the error log as an attachment, please check it, thanks a lot
Post by Joe Hildebrand
I'm guessing it's the extra whitespace before </challenge> that is
the problem. Crashing is wrong, of course, so I'll take a look at it.
Exodus-dev mailing list
Chen, Hao
Exodus-dev mailing list
Exodus-dev mailing list
Exodus-dev mailing list
Chen, Hao
Joe Hildebrand
2005-08-17 05:50:28 UTC
Is there a newline in the middle of the base64 string? I bet there
is, since the one that seems to be there is after character 76.

I think there are a lot of Base64 implementations that are written
against RFC 2045 (MIME), which specifies a Content-Transfer-Encoding,
with line breaks each 76 characters.

RFC 3920 calls out RFC 3548 for it's Base64, though. Section 2.1 of
3548 specifies:

Implementations MUST NOT not add line feeds to base encoded data
unless the specification referring to this document explicitly
directs base encoders to add line feeds after a specific number of

So, although crash isn't right (which I think I fixed), what you're
sending is incorrect. One could argue that according to Postel's
law, we should first strip whitespace before processing, to be
liberal in what we receive.

But you'll still need to fix your implementation in order to be
conservative in what you send. :)
Post by Chen, Hao
Well, I don't think there is any witespace right before </chanllenge>
:( Here is my code for generating that chanllenge. If I'm wrong,
please tell me.
byte[] challenge = mySaslServer.evaluateResponse(new byte[0]);
StringBuilder reply = new StringBuilder();
reply.append("<challenge xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl
then, my codes will send out this reply. Messages in the debug window
RECV: <challenge
This is exactly what my codes send out. I really have no ideas about
what's going wrong here :(
Post by Joe Hildebrand
Exactly. I just checked in a quick fix to catch this exception, so
at least we won't core in the face of not-yet-complete server
implementations... :)
Post by Tristan Stahnke
Actually I think he's referring to the carriage return right before
</challenge>, that should be removed, AFAIK.
Post by Chen, Hao
In the chanllenge, there is NO space between g and =. I suppose it is
my email client adds such a space automatically. Anyway, this time I
upload the error log as an attachment, please check it, thanks a lot
Post by Joe Hildebrand
I'm guessing it's the extra whitespace before </challenge> that is
the problem. Crashing is wrong, of course, so I'll take a look at it.
Exodus-dev mailing list
Chen, Hao
Exodus-dev mailing list
Exodus-dev mailing list
Exodus-dev mailing list
Chen, Hao
Exodus-dev mailing list
Continue reading on narkive: