Can do - it's possibly a bit of a hack (I had to convert, in ignorance,
some optional parameters to methods to mandatory to make it work. I am
no delphi expert)
Yes rooms up over night is handled. Simply, the last post to a room is
stored (by Room.pas) and each post is compared to that - if the post is
a new day a date is printed
Attached are the changed files from Should have 5 .pas files -
may be stripped by our firewall
-----Original Message-----
From: exodus-dev-***
[mailto:exodus-dev-***] On Behalf Of Joe Hildebrand
Sent: 14 September 2005 14:00
To: Exodus development
Subject: Re: [Exodus-dev] MUC history with date stamp using Exodus
That sounds right. Do you also handle the case where the room is up
over night?
Can you send in a patch?
Post by Mannering, J (Joe)Tools -> Options -> Messages -> check 'Timestamp Message' and change
mask to (for example) d/m/y : t
We don't use this: we modified Exodus to print day headers at the
start of each day (and then print just the time against each post as
per the default).
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 13 September 2005 21:00
To: Exodus development
Subject: Re: [Exodus-dev] MUC history with date stamp using Exodus
It's possible to print the date.... it would mean a code change in the
jabber:x:delay processing. Please file a feature request on the
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2005 10:18 AM
Subject: [Exodus-dev] MUC history with date stamp using Exodus
Post by Les SeigneurIs there a way to date stamp messages in MUC chat rooms using Exodus?
Post by Les Seigneurmy users enter a MUC chat room they see time stamps but no date
on old messages so it is hard to tell what messages were posted on
Post by Les Seigneurdays. I have been told by David Sutton that "the MUC process
Post by Les Seigneuradds a datestamp on all 'old' messages - ie messages that have been
sent before you arrived in the room. The timestamp is added using the
jabber:x:delay extension. The server provides the information, its
then up to the client to give that information to the user."
I have not seen a way to tell Exodus to dates stamp the messages in
Post by Les SeigneurIs there a way to do this?
Les Seigneur
Computer Support Specialist
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