[Exodus-dev] Exodus Installer having proble extracting locale
Cristian Marchionni
2005-03-26 17:17:20 UTC
Hi to all developers,

i'm trying to "brand" exodus but I got every time an error

I download the latest source, the daily build and all the file for

I extract the exodus.zip of the daily build in the directory of the
latest source previously extracted

I begin to compile the exodus-new.nsi script with the Latest NSIS,

It seems to go all Ok

But when I see the details of the installer I see that it don't
install , extract the local giving an error with no code or comment

Is there someone who had the same problem ?

How can I debug the compilation and the installation ?

Thanks in advance for all hints and info you can get me


Cristian Marchionni

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Lazarus Long
2005-03-26 17:34:57 UTC
Post by Cristian Marchionni
But when I see the details of the installer I see that it
don't install , extract the local giving an error with no code or
It _was_ working but some late changes broke it, I think the locale.zip
is being extracted to the plugins dir and not being unziped. Just unzip
it from there to the Exodus dir and you will get your locales.
Post by Cristian Marchionni
How can I debug the compilation and the installation ?
The original exodus-new.nsi used to have a DEBUG variable, but I don't
know if it was removed or not, just check in it.
Lazarus Long
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Cristian Marchionni
2005-03-26 17:41:56 UTC
Hi Devs
Thanks for your so quick answer,
I would like to solve the problem to avoid a manual copy of the
locale, I'm trying to offer an IM service and I would like to have a fully
functional installer for my users.
The DEBUG variable can log the result of an installation ?

Thanks again

Cristian Marchionni

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: exodus-dev-***@jabberstudio.org
[mailto:exodus-dev-***@jabberstudio.org] Per conto di Lazarus Long
Inviato: sabato 26 marzo 2005 18.30
A: Exodus development
Oggetto: Re: [Exodus-dev] Exodus Installer having proble extracting locale
Post by Cristian Marchionni
But when I see the details of the installer I see that it
don't install , extract the local giving an error with no code or
It _was_ working but some late changes broke it, I think the locale.zip
is being extracted to the plugins dir and not being unziped. Just unzip
it from there to the Exodus dir and you will get your locales.
Post by Cristian Marchionni
How can I debug the compilation and the installation ?
The original exodus-new.nsi used to have a DEBUG variable, but I don't
know if it was removed or not, just check in it.
Lazarus Long