[Exodus-dev] CVS check out
Effendy Effendy
2005-09-02 01:41:46 UTC
I am trying to get the Exodus source using CVS, can some one point me in
the right direction?
I am using TortoiseCVS, what parameter should I put into

Repository folder:

I had try to put
:ext:www.jabberstudio.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/exodus/tags/RELEASE/ in
the CVSROOT edit box, and it come back asking me for password?

Thanks in advance.


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Lazarus Long
2005-09-02 05:48:51 UTC
Post by Effendy Effendy
I am trying to get the Exodus source using CVS, can some one point me
in the right direction?
I am using TortoiseCVS, what parameter should I put into
I had try to put
:ext:www.jabberstudio.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/exodus/tags/RELEASE/ in
the CVSROOT edit box, and it come back asking me for password?
I think it was migrated to Subversion some time ago, so you'll be
needing TortoiseSVN instead.

About the parameters I can't help you out, I used to have access before
the migration, but since then I never had again, and as nobody replied
to my requests I simply stoped sending updates.

Lazarus Long
<lazarus (dot) long (at) bigfoot (dot) com>

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Joe Hildebrand
2005-09-02 20:26:43 UTC
You have to use Subversion now.

svn co svn://svn.jabberstudio.org/exodus/svn/trunk exodus
Post by Effendy Effendy
I am trying to get the Exodus source using CVS, can some one point me in
the right direction?
I am using TortoiseCVS, what parameter should I put into
I had try to put
:ext:www.jabberstudio.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/exodus/tags/RELEASE/ in
the CVSROOT edit box, and it come back asking me for password?
Thanks in advance.
Software Engineer
+61 3 8695 8695
+61 3 8695 8671 (direct)
+61 3 9696 3626 (fax)
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