Peter Millard
2004-10-08 17:42:05 UTC
I've been hating CVS for a long time, and finally have switched all of the
exodus source code into a subversion repository. For those that are getting
stuff from CVS, please stop :)
To access stuff via subversion, install subversion :) You can find the latest
stuff at:
Once you have subversion installed, you can checkout the source code via:
svn co svn:// exodus
That should place an exodus directory with the latest branch of code in it.
Directory layouts should be identical as it used to be.
For translators who had CVS accounts, you'll need to use a command like:
svn co svn+ssh://*** exodus
This command will authenticate you via SSH, then perform the checkout.
For all users, once you have checked out the source, to update your source, just
svn update
The reason for switching to subversion is to make it easier to work on branches,
and to get better changelist/checkin tracking. Subversion also has better CR/LF
handling for source files which will make building daily source snapshots a lot
exodus source code into a subversion repository. For those that are getting
stuff from CVS, please stop :)
To access stuff via subversion, install subversion :) You can find the latest
stuff at:
Once you have subversion installed, you can checkout the source code via:
svn co svn:// exodus
That should place an exodus directory with the latest branch of code in it.
Directory layouts should be identical as it used to be.
For translators who had CVS accounts, you'll need to use a command like:
svn co svn+ssh://*** exodus
This command will authenticate you via SSH, then perform the checkout.
For all users, once you have checked out the source, to update your source, just
svn update
The reason for switching to subversion is to make it easier to work on branches,
and to get better changelist/checkin tracking. Subversion also has better CR/LF
handling for source files which will make building daily source snapshots a lot