Siracusa, David
2004-07-09 15:29:54 UTC
I have a Exodus plugin which subscribes to a word list using pubsub.
The exodus plugin does receive pubsub#events however I don't see the
acknowledgement (response) from my
I registered /packet within the plugin with: _packet :=
_exodus.RegisterCallback('/packet', Self);
I also don't get any messages in Process when I try to get the list with
pubsub get items.
I echoed the response to the console in, appears to be okay.
What do I need to do to see the server response?
Dave Siracusa
procedure TWordsPlugin.subscribe();
iq, ps, s: TXMLTag;
iq := TXMLTag.Create('iq');
iq.setAttribute('to', 'pubsub.' + _exodus.Server );
iq.setAttribute('from', _exodus.Username + '@' + _exodus.Server );
iq.setAttribute('type', 'set');
ps := iq.AddTag('pubsub');
ps.setAttribute('xmlns', '');
s := ps.AddTag('subscribe');
s.setAttribute('node', 'generic/words');
s.setAttribute('jid', _exodus.Username + '@' + _exodus.Server);
IMPORTANT: The information contained in this email and/or its attachments is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by reply and immediately delete this message and all its attachments. Any review, use, reproduction, disclosure or dissemination of this message or any attachment by an unintended recipient is strictly prohibited. Neither this message nor any attachment is intended as or should be construed as an offer, solicitation or recommendation to buy or sell any security or other financial instrument. Neither the sender, his or her employer nor any of their respective affiliates makes any warranties as to the completeness or accuracy of any of the information contained herein or that this message or any of its attachments is free of viruses.
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The exodus plugin does receive pubsub#events however I don't see the
acknowledgement (response) from my
I registered /packet within the plugin with: _packet :=
_exodus.RegisterCallback('/packet', Self);
I also don't get any messages in Process when I try to get the list with
pubsub get items.
I echoed the response to the console in, appears to be okay.
What do I need to do to see the server response?
Dave Siracusa
procedure TWordsPlugin.subscribe();
iq, ps, s: TXMLTag;
iq := TXMLTag.Create('iq');
iq.setAttribute('to', 'pubsub.' + _exodus.Server );
iq.setAttribute('from', _exodus.Username + '@' + _exodus.Server );
iq.setAttribute('type', 'set');
ps := iq.AddTag('pubsub');
ps.setAttribute('xmlns', '');
s := ps.AddTag('subscribe');
s.setAttribute('node', 'generic/words');
s.setAttribute('jid', _exodus.Username + '@' + _exodus.Server);
IMPORTANT: The information contained in this email and/or its attachments is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by reply and immediately delete this message and all its attachments. Any review, use, reproduction, disclosure or dissemination of this message or any attachment by an unintended recipient is strictly prohibited. Neither this message nor any attachment is intended as or should be construed as an offer, solicitation or recommendation to buy or sell any security or other financial instrument. Neither the sender, his or her employer nor any of their respective affiliates makes any warranties as to the completeness or accuracy of any of the information contained herein or that this message or any of its attachments is free of viruses.
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