[Exodus-dev] Pubsub in Exodus
Siracusa, David
2004-07-09 15:29:54 UTC
I have a Exodus plugin which subscribes to a word list using pubsub.
The exodus plugin does receive pubsub#events however I don't see the
acknowledgement (response) from my pubsub.pl.

I registered /packet within the plugin with: _packet :=
_exodus.RegisterCallback('/packet', Self);

I also don't get any messages in Process when I try to get the list with
pubsub get items.
I echoed the response to the console in pubsub.pl, appears to be okay.

What do I need to do to see the server response?

Dave Siracusa

procedure TWordsPlugin.subscribe();
iq, ps, s: TXMLTag;
iq := TXMLTag.Create('iq');

iq.setAttribute('to', 'pubsub.' + _exodus.Server );
iq.setAttribute('from', _exodus.Username + '@' + _exodus.Server );
iq.setAttribute('type', 'set');

ps := iq.AddTag('pubsub');
ps.setAttribute('xmlns', 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub');

s := ps.AddTag('subscribe');
s.setAttribute('node', 'generic/words');
s.setAttribute('jid', _exodus.Username + '@' + _exodus.Server);


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Peter Millard
2004-07-09 15:29:54 UTC
Post by Siracusa, David
I have a Exodus plugin which subscribes to a word list using pubsub.
The exodus plugin does receive pubsub#events however I don't see the
acknowledgement (response) from my pubsub.pl.
I registered /packet within the plugin with: _packet :=
_exodus.RegisterCallback('/packet', Self);
This seems odd... if you've registered for /packet, you should receive ALL
packets into the client (not the most efficient way of trapping packets BTW).

Do you see the response coming back into the Exodus debug window? If it doesn't
show up there, it means the server is not sending the packet properly. If it
DOES show up.. it could mean that some other handler is grabbing the packets
before they get to your plugin (which seems unlikely).

It would help a lot to see the actual XML you are sending and receiving.

Siracusa, David
2004-07-09 15:29:54 UTC
You were absolutely correct, the server (pubsub.pl) had problems
sending. That's why exodus didn't see it. I turned up the debug level
on the server and traced down my request problems within the client.

It works perfectly now.

The pubsub#event and list data come in on different xpaths:

Does this seem okay?

I put the word list in a static TStringList.
The plugin class derived(TAutoObject, IExodusPlugin) populates the list.
The plugin class derived(TAutoObject, IExodusChatPlugin) consumes the

Is there someway to get these classes to share the data without making
it global?
It wasn't obvious.

I call (once) subscribe, and get-list in:
I'm not sure where and when (within the plugin) to call subscribe,
getlist, and unsubscribe. For example if I disconnect, there appears to
be no calls made into the plugin.

Perhaps you provide guidance, suggestions?

Thanks for the help,
Dave Siracusa


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2004 15:09:57 -0600
From: "Peter Millard" <***@pgmillard.com>
Subject: Re: [Exodus-dev] Pubsub in Exodus
To: exodus-***@jabberstudio.org
Message-ID: <00a201c4639d$9819cee0$***@pmillard2k>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; charset="ISO-8859-1"
Post by Siracusa, David
I have a Exodus plugin which subscribes to a word list using pubsub.
The exodus plugin does receive pubsub#events however I don't see the
acknowledgement (response) from my pubsub.pl.
I registered /packet within the plugin with: _packet :=
_exodus.RegisterCallback('/packet', Self);
This seems odd... if you've registered for /packet, you should receive
packets into the client (not the most efficient way of trapping packets

Do you see the response coming back into the Exodus debug window? If it
show up there, it means the server is not sending the packet properly.
If it
DOES show up.. it could mean that some other handler is grabbing the
before they get to your plugin (which seems unlikely).

It would help a lot to see the actual XML you are sending and receiving.


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