[Exodus-dev] Crash connecting to specific Efnet IRC channel
2005-06-15 20:30:38 UTC

I'm a new user, so am probably not entirely aware of exodus etiquette -
apologies if I'm going about this the wrong way.

I've found some problems with joining an IRC channel but am not entirely
sure, being new to the world of XMPP, so I thought it more appropriate to
raise it here before attempting to enter it in the bugs page on the exodus

1) Basically, I subscribed to the jabber.org.uk server and successfully
registered with the ICQ, MSN and Yahoo! transports and all worked fine.
However, whenever I attempted yesterday to join the efnet channel #wiggle
through the efnet.demon.co.uk server, Exodus logged into the server
seemingly OK, but then when attempting to join the channel, it crashed and
logged me out of all the transports - including IRC. To re-authenticate, I
had to exit Exodus and restart it. Included below is the contents of the
error log.txt generated on my desktop, which I have also passed on to one of
the administrators of the IRC transport - although he seems adamant it's a
client issue, as the gateway works fine with many other clients.

Looking at the log below, it appears it failed each time (similar logs on my
next 2 or 3 attempts) when it received the presence of an IRC user called

2) However, *today*, I was able to join the same channel - possibly because
that same user was not in the channel. Very strange! Unfortunately, even
tho I was in the channel I couldnt type properly. I had to click the main
screen of text and then press a character. Then I had to click the main
screen again, before I could type another character ... it took a VERY long
time to type a message ... !

Sooo ... could anyone who knows Exodus a little better take a look and give
their opinion? Should I try and raise this (or these - is it two separate
issues?) as a bug on the main page, or is it me who's making a silly user

Many thanks for any response,


Contents of Exodus error log.txt

Windows-XP 5.01.2600Service Pack 2
Exodus ver:
Date, Time: 13/06/2005 23:53:15
Exception: List index out of bounds (-1)
Signal Class: TPacketSignal
Event: /packet
Listener Classname: TfrmRoom
Listener Methodname: PresCallback
XML Packet: <presence
from="#wiggle%***@irc.jabber.org.uk/Linds" id="2058"
to="***@jabber.org.uk/Exodus" xmlns="jabber:client"><x
xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"><item affiliation="admin"
jid="Linds%***@irc.jabber.org.uk" role="none"/></x></presence>
Dispatcher Dump
SIGNAL: /log of class: TPacketSignal
SIGNAL: /filter of class: TPacketSignal
SIGNAL: /pre of class: TPacketSignal
LID: 18, /pre/message/x[@xmlns="jabber:x:data"], TFactoryResponder,
LID: 20,
TFactoryResponder, respCallback
LID: 21, /pre/message/x[@xmlns="jabber:x:conference"], TFactoryResponder,
SIGNAL: /packet of class: TPacketSignal
LID: 0, /packet/presence, TJabberPPDB, Callback
LID: 1, /packet/iq/query[@xmlns="jabber:iq:roster"], TJabberRoster,
LID: 10, /packet/presence[@type="subscribe"], TSubController,
LID: 11, /packet/presence[@type="subscribed"], TSubController,
LID: 12, /packet/presence[@type="unsubscribe"], TSubController,
LID: 13, /packet/presence[@type="unsubscribed"], TSubController,
LID: 15, /packet/iq[@type="get"]/query[@xmlns="jabber:iq:version"],
TVersionResponder, iqCallback
LID: 16, /packet/iq[@type="get"]/query[@xmlns="jabber:iq:time"],
TTimeResponder, iqCallback
LID: 17, /packet/iq[@type="get"]/query[@xmlns="jabber:iq:last"],
TLastResponder, iqCallback
LID: 19, /packet/iq[@type="set"]/query[@xmlns="jabber:iq:oob"],
TFactoryResponder, respCallback
LID: 23, /packet/iq[@type="set"]/si[@xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/si"],
TFactoryResponder, respCallback
LID: 24, /packet/iq[@type="get"]/query[@xmlns="jabber:iq:avatar"],
TAvatarResponder, iqCallback
LID: 25, /packet/iq[@type="get"]/query[@xmlns="jabber:iq:browse"],
TBrowseResponder, iqCallback
LID: 26,
"], TDiscoItemsResponder, iqCallback
LID: 27,
], TDiscoInfoResponder, iqCallback
LID: 28, /packet/presence/x[@xmlns="vcard-temp:x:update"], TAvatarCache,
LID: 29, /packet/presence/x[@xmlns="jabber:x:avatar"], TAvatarCache,
LID: 182,
], TChatController,
LID: 183, /packet/presence[@from="afriend%***@msn.jabber.org.uk*"],
TfrmChat, PresCallback
LID: 195,
"], TChatController,
LID: 198,
LID: 223, /packet/message[@type="chat"][@from="irc.jabber.org.uk*"],
LID: 224, /packet/presence[@from="irc.jabber.org.uk*"], TfrmChat,
LID: 226,
LID: 227, /packet/presence[@from="***@jabber.org.uk/gajim*"],
TfrmChat, PresCallback
LID: 229, /packet/presence[@from="***@yahoo.jabber.org.uk/messenger*"],
TfrmChat, PresCallback
LID: 278,
.jabber.org.uk*"], TChatController,
LID: 282,
er.org.uk*"], TfrmRoom, MsgCallback
LID: 283,
rg.uk"], TfrmRoom, MsgCallback
LID: 284,
TfrmRoom, PresCallback
LID: 287,
k*"], TfrmChat, PresCallback
SIGNAL: /post of class: TPacketSignal
LID: 3, /post/message[@type="headline"], TJabberMsgList,
LID: 4, /post/message[@type="normal"], TJabberMsgList,
LID: 5, /post/message[!type], TJabberMsgList,
LID: 6, /post/message[@type!="error"], TJabberChatList,
SIGNAL: /unhandled of class: TBasicSignal
LID: 22, /unhandled, TUnhandledResponder, callback
SIGNAL: /session of class: TBasicSignal
LID: 7, /session/register, TRegController, callback
LID: 8, /session, TGUIFactory, SessionCallback
LID: 14, /session, TSubController, SessionCallback
LID: 30, /session, TAvatarCache,
LID: 31, /session, TfrmExodus, SessionCallback
LID: 34, /session, TfrmRosterWindow, SessionCallback
LID: 123, /session/disconnected, TfrmBrowse,
LID: 124, /session/entity, TfrmBrowse,
LID: 134, /session/disconnected, TfrmBrowse,
LID: 135, /session/entity, TfrmBrowse,
LID: 184, /session, TfrmChat, SessionCallback
LID: 206, /session/disconnected, TfrmBrowse,
LID: 207, /session/entity, TfrmBrowse,
LID: 225, /session, TfrmChat, SessionCallback
LID: 228, /session, TfrmChat, SessionCallback
LID: 230, /session, TfrmChat, SessionCallback
LID: 285, /session/entity/info, TfrmRoom, EntityCallback
LID: 286, /session, TfrmRoom, SessionCallback
LID: 288, /session, TfrmChat, SessionCallback
SIGNAL: /roster of class: TRosterSignal
LID: 32, , TfrmRosterWindow, RosterCallback
SIGNAL: /presence of class: TPresenceSignal
LID: 2, , TJabberRoster,
LID: 9, , TNotifyController, PresCallback
LID: 33, , TfrmRosterWindow, PresCallback
LID: 140, , TfrmRegister, PresCallback
LID: 212, , TfrmRegister, PresCallback
LID: 215, , TfrmRegister, PresCallback
SIGNAL: /data of class: TStringSignal
SIGNAL: /windows of class: TPacketSignal
Stack Trace:
[0043E710]{Exodus.exe }
[0043F67F]{Exodus.exe }
[0051E049]{Exodus.exe }
[0045B154]{Exodus.exe }
[0045A6FE]{Exodus.exe }
[0045B1CB]{Exodus.exe }
[0045A6FE]{Exodus.exe }
[0045B1CB]{Exodus.exe }
[4000308D]{rtl70.bpl } ***@ReallocMem
[40006F4E]{rtl70.bpl } ***@LStrSetLength
[0045A6FE]{Exodus.exe }
[004820F7]{Exodus.exe }
[0047997B]{Exodus.exe }
[0047F180]{Exodus.exe }
[004790B7]{Exodus.exe }
[4003B029]{rtl70.bpl } Classes.CheckSynchronize
[0079478A]{vcl70.bpl } Forms.TApplication.WndProc
[4003D0BC]{rtl70.bpl } Classes.TDataModule.WriteHeight
[40045B7A]{rtl70.bpl } Contnrs.TComponentList.GetItems
[00794DAB]{vcl70.bpl } Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage
[00794DE2]{vcl70.bpl } Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage
[00795002]{vcl70.bpl } Forms.TApplication.Run
[00552594]{Exodus.exe }
