[Exodus-dev] Simple plug in to do - seeking "hello world" examples msvc++ 6.0
2006-04-02 13:39:48 UTC
A few of my peers and I got committed to monitoring exodus pretty much
around the clock. A plug in would sure make life easier. I don't know
anything at all about exodus plug ins and the doc available just isn't
clicking for me because I'm never written a com interface.

I am seeking some "hello world" level examples from those that have already
been there, done that. I'm planning on using MSVC++ V6.0. I want to
create a plug in that:

1) Monitors the rooms I've joined for certain key words and then takes some
action based on those words.

2) Does pretty much the same thing if anybody initiates a private chat
conversation with me directly.

The action I'm contemplating is to text message myself on my cell phone so
I know that there's something actionable going on. I have that part already
done in several different widgets that I use. No problem there.

If somebody has some rudimentary plug in code to get me started I'd sure
appreciate a pointer to it.

Thanks -


Funny story. I've looked at the doc before and since I didn't know
anything about it I approached this problem another way. I got winpcap and
wrote a specialized ethernet sniffer to grab the tcp/ip packets coming into
the local port owned by exodus.exe. Figured out how to tear the packets
apart and get at the data. My plan was to reverse engineer enough of the
XML to figure out what I needed to do. Simple. Only took me a few days of
chipping away at it. Last night I got it working and discovered that the
packets are ENCRYPTED. Now I either have to figure out how PGP is
implemented and used with exodus OR write the plug in.
