Lazarus Long
2004-07-09 15:29:51 UTC
I haven't entered this either as a Bug or a Feature Request since I
can't frame it in a specific categorie.
I don't know anything about Delphi or how it works, but isn't there
_any_ way to set the text display controls to wrap and/or resize
dynamically to show the whole contained text? Maybe an external library
or so if not natively? I see this behaviour on several other programs so
it's why I'm asking.
Recently more and more people are using Exodus here in Portugal and the
main (almost only) complaint is that the translation isn't fully visible
in a whole bunch of controls, and I think that the same goes to most
other translations as well.
Can it be made with Delphi or do they need to be resized by hand? I
foresee that if done by hand there might get aestetically ugly for
smaller text with non-proportional spacing between options, but if it's
the only way so be it.
- --
Lazarus Long
<lazarus (dot) long (at) bigfoot (dot) com>
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| Jabber ID: <lazarus.long @> | AIM ID: Lazarus Long 666 |
| Yahoo! ID: <lazarus_libby_long @> | ICQ #: 30062012 |
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Por favor n?o me envie anexos em formatos propriet?rios sem que
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I haven't entered this either as a Bug or a Feature Request since I
can't frame it in a specific categorie.
I don't know anything about Delphi or how it works, but isn't there
_any_ way to set the text display controls to wrap and/or resize
dynamically to show the whole contained text? Maybe an external library
or so if not natively? I see this behaviour on several other programs so
it's why I'm asking.
Recently more and more people are using Exodus here in Portugal and the
main (almost only) complaint is that the translation isn't fully visible
in a whole bunch of controls, and I think that the same goes to most
other translations as well.
Can it be made with Delphi or do they need to be resized by hand? I
foresee that if done by hand there might get aestetically ugly for
smaller text with non-proportional spacing between options, but if it's
the only way so be it.
- --
Lazarus Long
<lazarus (dot) long (at) bigfoot (dot) com>
| PGP or GnuPG Key: |
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| Jabber ID: <lazarus.long @> | AIM ID: Lazarus Long 666 |
| Yahoo! ID: <lazarus_libby_long @> | ICQ #: 30062012 |
| MSN ID: <LazarusLibbyLong @> |
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without request (i.e. Word, PowerPoint or Excel documents),
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Por favor n?o me envie anexos em formatos propriet?rios sem que
os tenha pedido (p.e. documentos em Word, PowerPoint ou Excel),
veja <>